advertoriel+ report

Supporting report on your blog:

The following is the report template for you Advertertorial project:

Project title: The title of the project with a COOL image!
pokemon new vs old

The idea: Discuss the development of the Advertorial idea. 
my idea is about how Pokémon games have gone from being hard to getting easier as Nintendo are trying to get new people to play their newer games 

Research for your Advertorial: Show 5 sources you used to conclude your research. Use primary and secondary sources. website  website other peoples comments

this YouTube link show how Nintendo have advertised their product over the years to there target audience which would buy it as most of them have played the first games and love the Pokémon franchise and which they would buy all the other Pokémon games and then play them as well and it shows off how the graphics have changed 23 years it has been as in gen 1 the sprites didn't have any moving animations until gen 5 in black and white where the sprites had movement because of the better technology which was the ds which could support animated Pokémon sprites than a Gameboy. 

Target Audience: Explain whom the product is intended for (profile).
my target audience

Documentary / Journalism story development: Demonstrate the process of writing the Advertorial including Advertorial Headline, opening statement and structure of the overall Advertorial in DPS form.

Published idea in the context of the Media Campiagn idea: Explain the narrative and representation of your Editorial

Published production: What you did to create the final images and materials (assets) for the DPS in Photoshop.

Video post-production: What you did to create the final DPS in Photoshop.

Upload onto website + print out.

Testing of the Advertorial in situ: Test against your target audience + feedback.

Evaluation: How successful was the outcome

How you will be assessed (outcomes and units being assessed for this project):

This project will be assessed against unit 6.


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